The Blog

This day is priceless 💸. All the money in the world can never bring today back again. So seize it, save it, and honor it.     - Robin Sharma

That is my favorite quote. I live by it because everything in your life matters, especially this day. You can create a life of greatness 🏆 by just compounding the little things in your life, starting out with every day.

This leads me to say, before reading anything on the web, remember that any external influence has the power to shape your perspective.

So before you post, remember that what you write can influence others and can also solidify your perspective.

A couple of rules to posting:

  • Please only upload gorgeous photos
    • Use websites like Unsplash to get high resolution photos.
  • No swearing
    • I will delete it.
  • Show your passion
    • Don't be boring but don't be extra. Put emotion into your words.
  • Have fun
    • :)
  • Only positive call to actions
    • Treat any problem as an opportunity to grow.

You could've entered the blog already from the nav bar haha, but if you made it this far, here's a minimalistic yet fancy link.

Welcome to my blog